mala's homepage
My name is Manuel Schiller. I am currently studying physics at
the University of Heidelberg. This homepage is intended to be
a source of information about projects that might be
interesting for others. At the moment, it's actually quite
short, but maybe it will grow as time goes by...
This is a list of projects realized so far:
- obfc
obfc is an optimizing compiler for the
brainfuck programming language. At the moment, it has
backends that generate x86 assembler code for
nasm and
(hopefully) portable C.
- min12xxw
min12xxw is a driver for Minolta PagePro
12xxW printers on Linux (of course...).
- vesablank
vesablank is a little Linux utility to enable
VESA compliant screen blanking on old computers running
Linux which do not have APM support in their BIOS. You
won't need this on new computers (80386 is old...) and
there may be better ways to do this if you need it.
- leave
leave is a small program which reminds you
when you have to leave the terminal. It aims at being
a workalike for the program of the same name found
on some BSD-derived platforms.
I can be reached by e-mail via:
mala at hinterbergen dot de
Obviously, you'll have to replace "at" by "@" and "dot" by
"." to make the address work. I hope that this trick
prevents web-bots from stealing my e-mail address.
Last updated Dec 20 2005 by mala